The Best Day EVER!
Monday morning Jake and I dropped Jacob off for his first year of Kid's Camp for church. Sunday night we colored his hair red (to match his team color) and got him all packed up. He could hardly contain himself he was so excited.
When I dropped him off I silently prayed for this to be an experience of his lifetime; something he'd never forget.
This morning I received a phone call from my very good friend, Corrie. She was telling me how she had gone up to the camp Wednesday night to help out with some things and she saw my sweet boy. She said he was happy and having a great time.
Then she gave me the news.
Wednesday night was the night they gave the message of Salvation. 150 kids raised their hands to say they were ready to accept Christ!!! Isn't that INCREDIBLE?! Want to know what's even more incredible?
My Jacob was one of them!!!!!!!!!!
I can't even describe the emotions going on inside me right now. I haven't stopped crying since she told me. I guess a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. Perhaps this is a confirmation that Jake and I have truly turned our family down a much different path than the one we were raised on.
I always promised myself that my kids would have it different. That I would do all it takes to raise them in a godly home and give them a better life than I had.
I'm not talking material things, I'm talking about growing up with an actual family with a mom AND a dad, with unconditional love, with strong moral values, with an undying love for Christ. All the things I never had growing up.
We are soooo blessed to be a part of Fellowship Church. If it weren't for their decision to share Jesus in a creative, relevant way, I never would have given God a second thought, nor would I have continued to come to church. And if it weren't for their dedication to age-appropriate teaching for kids and keeping church exciting and fun, I'm certain Jacob would not have made the decision he did.
This is truly one of the happiest days of my life.
Come rejoice with me!!!